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Marina was born in Holland in 1970. As a child she passes her time creating with every material available to create her figures and animals and as soon as she finishes High School she takes off for a year of painting in an atelier in Aix en Provence, France. Coming back to Holland she follows a year at the Academie Minerva, Groningen and three years at The Kunst Academie Ruud Wackers, Amsterdam after which she decides to continue her studies in Italy at the Florence Academy of Art. It is in Italy that she comes into contact with the Fonderia Del Giudice in San Polo and falls in love with bronze as material. A series of female figures expressing her emotions as in an autobiographical story are the spontaneous reaction to this new passion and she has various expositions combining her painting and sculptures in Holland, Switserland and Italy.
With the birth of her two daughters Marina interrupts this production without ever getting totally disattached to her art, infact in those years she mostly works on commission of portraits in oilpaint and in bronze.The first portraits of her children, her animals and her dreams appear and slowly also the female figures return to pick up the story they were telling, this time as a mother, a different phase of her life.
Marina honours her life expressing her emotions through material.
Adoration, desperation, love, balance, motherhood, euphoria, confusion... are the titles of her sculptures.
Actually She lives and works in the countryside of Greve in Chianti.

Marina Des Tombe